Sunday, December 27, 2009

molly,megan,and terri, becky get younger

molly, megan, terri, and becky work all dog at the doggie daycare place, that they work, becasuse everyone else ,took the day off.
molly, megan, terri and becky stopped a store which sells wishing bottles, which have silly doggie genies, who grant lots of wishes, molly buys one of the bottles, with of her credit cards, they all drive to fancy hotel and spend the night, molly,megan, terri, and becky get out of their clothes and put on night gowns, to sleep in.
molly opens the wishing bottle, a doggie genie, lizzie comes out, molly,megan, terri and becky wish to be made younger again, when they wake up, the next morning.
when the next morning comes, molly wakes up first, molly struggles to get her bed, becasuse, she has been turned into 5 year old little girl, the nightgown, that she wearing is too big for too wear, molly crying , when she finds up, she was turned into a little girl, megan was turned into baby girl, terri was turned into a 10 year old girl, and becky was made 20 younger, she became 25 year old woman, becky picked the wishing bottle and asked the doggie genie named lizzie to turn molly back into a full 22 year old woman and terri back into a 25 year old full grown woman, but molly had to pick up megan off her bed, she was crawling on the bed floor as a babygirl, terri put megan on another bed, she crawled, and all of a sudden the lights in the hotel room turned off and came back on , molly found megan turned back into 21 year old full grown woman , covered in bedsheets, so no one would see megan naked
but something went wrong, becky got even younger, becky regressed and got even younger, she became a 10 year old girl, wearing her glasses, she was wearing baggie clothes, which were much too big for her to wear , anymore, molly called rachel on her doggie cell phone, rachel came as quick as she could , rachel put on her princess dress and used her magic on becky and turned becky back into a full grown 45 year old woman.
becasuse becky has a family to take care, if becky had stayed a 10 year old little girl, she would too young to work or drive or take care of her family.